Merry Christmas from Luna
Japanese Millipedes
The Creatures of Prometheus
Can you believe that the London Philharmonia let me create silly animations for their recent production of Beethoven’s rarely performed ballet The Creatures of Prometheus? Well they did! And it was so fun. Script was written by Gerard McBurney, narrated by Stephen Fry, and orchestra conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen. Click here to watch for free on Youtube! Click here for a pre-concert chat with Gerard McBurney and Esa-Pekka, and here are the program notes!
I never could have finished this project without the help of many talented friends. Thanks to Grace Christiani and Alicia Goveas for the hours and hours of coloring. Thanks to Liz Sung of Tango21 for helping me create video loops for rotoscoping. Thanks to Arturo Diaz for designing the beautiful titles. And thanks to my talented sister Hannah Leben for the wonderfully goofy choreography!
Farts Discovered on Venus

NPR had a great radio news story about life on Venus. Listen here!